Gardner White Furniture will make monthly furniture donations to our Impact Designs ministry, making them our first Community Impact Partner.
“Rescue Ministries of Mid-Michigan’s Impact Designs program is doing incredible work to support neighbors in our community,” said Rachel Stewart, Chief Executive Officer of Gardner White. “For 112 years Gardner White’s mission has remained the same — to ‘Change Lives Through Furniture.’ We are honored to support their incredible work and help create warm, comfortable homes.”
Impact Designs is a solution-oriented ministry, focused on keeping people housed. Once our shelter guests have completed their case management plan and acquired housing, Impact Designs staff and volunteers use donated household furnishings to transform entry-level, unfurnished rentals into warm and pleasant homes.
More than 90% of the individuals and families helped by Impact Designs remain housed!
“Partnerships with local businesses are vital to our work in Saginaw and Bay City,” said Rescue Ministries CEO Dan Streeter. “Impact Designs is ‘helping home happen’ for our shelter guests and making a measurable difference. We’re thankful to have Gardner White partnering with us!”
Visit Impact Designs for more information about this program, including our needs lists, how to donate, volunteer and more. Follow us on Facebook to see Impact Designs move-in stories and pictures.
For information on how your business can become a Community Impact Partner, please contact Matt Hill at mhill@r3monline.org